Monday, June 16, 2008

First day on the job

I got my introduction to Salem, New Hampshire today, as well as the surrounding communities of Pelham, Windham and Atkinson. Actually, that's not true. I couldn't find Atkinson. Add a GPS device to the list of equipment a reporter needs to have handy at all times. 

In any event, I attempted to meet Salem's police chief (unsuccessful) though I did meet the Salem town manager's secretary and found out that the meeting I had been planning on covering tonight had been cancelled. 

Very much a town that faces south, towards Boston rather than Concord or Manchester, Salem is essentially a commuter community made up largely of expatriated Massachusetts residents. Methuen is only a stone's throw from the center of town and Haverhill isn't much further away. While I'm in a completely different state right now, I'm actually closer to my home in Bridgewater, MA than I was while at school in Amherst. 

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